What is better than a hand written note?
These could perhaps be too lovely to use.
Thank you cards from: Rifle Paper Company.
What did you all think of last nights Master chef elimination?? I felt bad for Jay but I guess desserts are a big part of a cooking competition. And you need to be a confident chef in all area's. Which is why I would never enter. I'm not sure how far I could get based on my small (but tasty) range of old favourites.
In other news that is not at all related, I have a made a deal with myself (the devil)that I am allowed a small amount of chocolate a day as a treat for going for a walk. "Small amount" is open for interpretation.
There are just 4 more sleeps till my Frozen Embryo Transfer so it's getting super exciting around here. Things are falling into place nicely now. I need to of course start to think seriously about comfort and my good luck transfer outfit for Saturday. And then the lounging at home no, heaving lifting outfits. Could be a new pyjamas purchase coming soon.
I've got my acupuncture lady on speed dial and I am seeing a relaxing long weekend coming my way. Perfect timing.
What have you got planned? Anyone tracking your hormones??
That's' all