I'm in mourning. Tonight is the last episode of The Hills. Ever. Thank you MTV for playing repeats. I heart you.
I feel like I have walked in my Louboutins swinging my Chanel bag with the likes of Stephanie, Lo, Audrina, Kristin and Lauren. When really I've normally had a shower and popped my pj's on ready to watch My Favourite Show. Of. All. Time. They cried - I cried. They laughed.. you get my point. Great fashion, latest tunes. Don't get me started on Justin Bobby...
What will I do without you.....
PS. This also happened in 2004 when Dawson's Creek finished. My sister cried.
PPS. I'm not too devastated... There's still: The city, Keeping up with the Kardashians, Farmer wants a wife and the finale of The Bachelorette. Hell I even love RPA on a good night.
PPS. My 30th birthday plans have started. Yipee.

I feel like I have walked in my Louboutins swinging my Chanel bag with the likes of Stephanie, Lo, Audrina, Kristin and Lauren. When really I've normally had a shower and popped my pj's on ready to watch My Favourite Show. Of. All. Time. They cried - I cried. They laughed.. you get my point. Great fashion, latest tunes. Don't get me started on Justin Bobby...
What will I do without you.....
PS. This also happened in 2004 when Dawson's Creek finished. My sister cried.
PPS. I'm not too devastated... There's still: The city, Keeping up with the Kardashians, Farmer wants a wife and the finale of The Bachelorette. Hell I even love RPA on a good night.
PPS. My 30th birthday plans have started. Yipee.

Hi - hello, just one page of scrolling down on your blog was enough for me to know - I like this blog! Have yet to get to this stage with The Hills - will prepare for tears - we are behind in the UK. Lou x
ReplyDeleteKeeping Up With the Kardashians is hilarious. New season starts next week, woo!
ReplyDeleteI watched the finale of The Hills and was disappointed. I wanted to see Speidi have 1 last fight! Brodie looked HOT though...
I haven't cried in many finales... Sex and the City I bawled though. And Seinfeld was brilliant too.
I did not cry!!
ReplyDeletei have cried in the following tv finales....
ReplyDeletedawsons creek
gilmore girls
sex and the city
latest bachelorette (rach, you will bawl like a baby)
Oh I cried at the end of Six Feet Under, it was so sad!