In a former life this girl was high maintenance. I admitted this twice yesterday. Once to my bestie. I think she already knew this. The other to a stranger at a cocktail party last night. I'm pretty sure he didn't really care for the details.
In a former life I was pretty much exhausted from all the pre party grooming that by the time I got to wherever I was going I felt like having a big old nap.
So for last nights party I made a few short cuts. I self tanned only the body parts that would be seen, and that I can still reach. The bowling ball that is my stomach gets in the way now. That's actually the only short cut I made. I still schlepped to get my hair blow dried and at the 11th hour I was applying false eyelashes.....
So my tips on a short cut Melbourne Cup Day this year are:
KIT Cosmetics Luminous Body Bronzer - give a nice subtle glow over a fake tan or on its own. Washes off with soap and water. Be careful if wearing white. Best to apply after dressing.
Mecca Cosmetica Eyes Wide Open false Eyelashes - I have mentioned these before but they are the best false eyelashes I have used. Saves the time and money and maintenance of eyelash extentions. I would be keen to know the brand Oprah prefers though. I like the individual ones as they are more subtle.
Chanel no.5 bath gel and moisture mist - Layering a scent can really make a difference in a long lasting fragrance. And what is more decadent and guaranteed to make you feel good then a Chanel shower gel? Who knew Terry White sold this stuff?
NEVER underestimate the value of a professional blow dry. If you are crap at make up, at least make sure your amazing hair is a distraction. That's all I'm saying. I would marry my hairdresser if I could.
And my tips on the track this year in no particular order are:
At first Sight
Older than time
You can thank me later.
PS - c'est bon bon does not normally promote gambling, except for the first Tuesday in November when it is mandatory. Please have a glass of champagne for me, and never take your shoes of in public. x