I come from a family of girls. All our family friends had girls. Hello Hearns if you are reading. I'm just a girls girl.
I thought that I wanted to have girls and girls only when hopefully I become a mama. A big family full of girls. We have continuous hot water so I figured things would work out well. I've had this conversation a few times with various friends and I can safely say I'm not alone with my thinking here. However silly it might sound.
Having said that. A few things happened in the last week which have turned the light bulb on all things blue. So to speak.
I met Noah. The cutest little cherub ever. I mean cute. Looked into my eyes and I wanted to take him home. Utterly gorgeous. "I thought, hang on a second. Whats up with that. " My heart was taken - in a second. I was so proud of my friend for being such a lovely mother - but that's another story.
Then I witnessed first hand the art of manly bonding - aka the Wallabies vs England rugby game. Eww gross. But it was an eye opening experience. Loads and loads of dad's with other dad's all there with their sons and loving it. Sure the kids were eating hot chips at 9pm on a Saturday night washed down with a kit kat and a coke (mums wouldn't let that roll) but I sat and looked around at the lovely display of fathers and sons and again something went ding ding ding.
Finally seeing the happiness of a two year old boy when his mother arrived after being apart for say ten long minutes in kid time was priceless. Priceless.
I don't know whats happened to me but I like it.
That's all x
PS this was the only pic I liked when I googled fathers and sons. I'm sure you won't hold it against me.

Boys can be great in their own way, a lot of the time they're sookier than girls! They're full-on but funny!