To be honest I am looking forward to saying sayonara to my twenties. Its been a mixed bag of tricks. Here are some of the highlights and low lights.
I became great friends with my sister. And I can beat her at tennis.
I bought an alarming number of hats.
I lived overseas - one of the best and happiest times of my life.
I went to Walton-on-Thames.
I went to Shropshire. It was lovely.
I lost a best friend through no fault but my own.
I become a good cook.
I went to a souk in Marrakech.
I watched Strange Planet.
I stayed in bed all day.
I met, fell in love and married a wonderful man.
I had health issues which I never thought I would overcome.
I danced the night away with my best friends.
I lost my Grandfather. I think about him everyday.
I wondered what we would do without you.
I counted my wonderful girlfriends on one hand. I love that.
I did some stupid stuff, and made some bad decisions.
I fought for what I thought was right at the time.
I watched Oprah. Religiously. I heart you Oprah.
I went to Paris with two wonderful people.
I ate a lot of bon bons.
I had terminator eye.
I said why me.
I had a lot of Bridget moments.
I drank a lot of milo.
I went camping and drank pink lemonade.
I said no no no.
I didn't drive anywhere.
I had three operations.
I made some bad speeches. I'm still cringing.
I cherrished my relationship with my mother. We are great.
I baked over a thousand cupcakes. I did. I was counting.
I went through a pink phase.
I was a showgirl for one night only.
I wore a leotard in public.
I didn't give up when things got rocky. And then when there were mountains.
I got the most beautiful dog in the world.
I hosted a cracker of a dinner party.
I planned a surprise party without a hitch.
I planned my wedding in three months.
I planned my life with a wonderful man. Some of the plans didn't work out.
I had a bad experience in Bali with lizards.
I said no more tropical holidays. Ever.
I had the honeymoon from hell.
I did a lot of fake tanning. I think its time to stop.
I was fun nanny. I met three great kids who I love love love.
I went skinny dipping. My grandmother told me to. So i did. Ahh its overrated.
I fell in love with reality TV.
I won a bike.
I did a lot of washing.
I sang Mandy. At Karaoke.
I bought a lot of clothes but had nothing to wear.
I rocked some great outfits.
I bought a dyson. It changed my life.
I sent some bad text messages.
I drank and I dialed.
I went skiing again. I loved it.
I picked the winner on every Melbourne cup. Every year. Its a gift
I fell asleep with my legs outside of a window.
I laughed till I fell over with the best flatmate EVER.
I had a few drunken crazy nights.
I had a dance off with the Hearn's. Hearn's can't shimmy.
I blamed it on the boogie.
I rearranged a lot of furniture.
I lost a lot of mobile phones.
I went to Ikea on a Thursday night.
I had a big fight at Ikea.
I moved to the country.
I realised I'm a city girl at heart.
I wanted to have a baby.
I had some good times. Good times.
I went on some bad dates.
I cried a little tear when R walked down the aisle.
I gave good advice.
I gave terrible advice.
I dated some idiots.
I watched my friends get married.
I wrote a really long blog at 5 in the morning.
I did better when I knew better.
I'm looking forward to turning thirty hopefully it will be my best decade yet.
That's all x

Wow, so many fun things on your list!
ReplyDeleteI particularly liked that you blamed it on the boogie.
I'm pretty sure I can beat you at tennis
ReplyDeleteAnd Hearns CAN shimmy!! Give us a chance!!
ReplyDeletePS. R shed a little tear when you walked down the aisle too....