Along time ago, since 1980, there was a Girl who loved parties. (That's me.) There was a special engagement party that the Girl was V excited about. On the morning of the engagement party the excited girl was busy hair- ing and makeup -ing and there was a certain something in the air.
The arrangements for arriving at the party were extensive and complicated so I'll narrow it down.
Meet here. Travel to party on organised bus. Arrive at destination. Enjoy party. Go home the same way.
Sounds simple but the charming and very well dressed Girl happened to posses an unfortunate lack of direction/ knowledge of maps/ common sense. Although being a native Sydney sider the Girl managed to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Or was she?
Whilst waiting in the wrong place at the wrong time for a bus that was never going to arrive the lovely, charming, well dressed Girl carrying a gorgeously wrapped if somewhat over sized present locked eyes with a very smiley young man who appeared to have very dreamy eyes behind a pair of vintage ray bans.
There was a look.
Him: You must be waiting for the engagement party bus too?
Her: What gave it away? The giant present I'm carrying or my dazzling choice of outfit for 11am on a Saturday.
She did look fabulous.
Him: Ahhhah ummmmm
Her: (Quite primly) Yes I am waiting for the bus, but where is it? I'm very special and important it cannot leave without me
Him: Tries to make small talk about friends engagement.
She makes call to friend. Thinks to herself. Hhhmm. He's nice.
Her: We are in the wrong place. We need to be there.
Gestures with over sized present to a romantic car park behind a highway.
Him: Oh.
The charming Girl lugs present to proper departure point and is reunited with friends. Bus leaving soon. Just enough time to buy water for long bus trip. Girl wishing to arrive looking chic and hydrated in manner of Carrie Bradshaw arriving in Paris.
Our lovely Girl is the last to board the bus and steps on only to realise the only available seat is next to crinkly eyed guy. Girl has no choice but to sit next to smiley stranger. Girl swears the bus driver winked at her.
Fast forward one hour and a bit who was counting? Girl and smiley Boy arrive at party. Girl corners party host to whisper "Tell me everything about smiley."
Girl thoroughly enjoys party - one of the best parties ever. Girl tells best friend over lunch she has met the one. Hops back on bus ever so slightly less chic and sits down next to, you guessed it. Him. Charming chic Girl and smiley Boy chat and laugh and feel as if they have known each other for years. Technically they met over ten years ago but no one could remember.
Arrive at dodgy bar after bus ride. Girl remembers dancing and ordering chips? Comforts crying friend and has fantastic time.
Ring ring (calls mother from bathroom of dodgy bar)
Her: Hi mum, I've just met the most wonderful smiley Boy. You'll love him.....
And that's how I met my David.
Thank you for being my favourite everything x

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