Pretty uneventful weekend here. Its been super cold and I admit to having the radiators on all day yesterday. I spend a few lovely hours reading House and Garden cover to cover whilst eating home made (and delicious) brownies. I even put the fire on last night. Hello its October. I'm hoping it gets warm quick smart or my soon to be garden party is going to be a living room pretend your outside but what the f are we going to sit on party.
Today I went here.
And it was lovely. The peonies were beautiful. They are so big and so smelt so lovely. I was wanting to get some scissors and snip snip snip. But I refrained.
However, it was 13 degrees. I was warm and toasty snuggled in my trench and a scarf I always carry now as an emergency piece in my handbag. The weather changes in a flash here people. And you can use a scarf to hide drink spills on a white top or use it as a picnic rug. maybe... Meanwhile my husband insisted he wasn't cold. He was. I suggested a jacket...What the hell do I know. Right??
I took some photo's and the owner suggested I come back in two weeks when more peonies are in bloom. Roger that.
Have you seen that movie about J lo wanted a baby without a baby daddy? I love me a good romcom but The Backup Plan had one too many cliches. I saw Bella roll her eyes. It's smultsy stuff. But sitting under a cashmere blanket on a rainy Sunday afternoon I coped.
I'm contemplating a fringe.
I have a busy week this week with my stylin' gig on Friday. Very excited about that. Hopefully get to see my gal R on thursday. Snaps to that.
See you on the flip side. Namaste.

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